Your Project with storywise

An Efficient Way to Custom Software Solutions

Step 1: Divide Your Project into Manageable Sections

Start your project by dividing it into smaller, more manageable parts. With storywise, this task becomes a breeze. Begin with larger areas and further divide them until you reach a level where you can define every detail precisely. This will enable you to identify and address even the smallest issues early on. Use the transformation of prose text into entities and stories, the intuitive canvas view, the clear table, or the detailed editing view for this purpose.

Step 2: Define the Details with Your Customers

Once the smallest units of your project are defined, discuss them with your customers. Through this process, you may come across additional requirements that you can immediately incorporate into your project. Thanks to the versioning feature of storywise, you can always refer back to previous versions and track changes transparently.

Step 3: Coordinate and Estimate Efforts within the Team

After all the components of your project are clearly defined, use the commenting features of storywise to coordinate with your team on when a part is fully specified. Together, you can estimate the effort for each element, enabling a realistic planning of your project.

Step 4: Create a Detailed Requirements Document

With storywise, you can now transform your project into a professional requirements document. Use the export function and choose one of your templates to create a structured and appealing export. This document provides a clear overview of the details of your project.

Step 5: Give Your Customers Control over the Costs

By allowing the marking of individual features and displaying the price difference upon activation or deactivation, storywise enables your customers to actively explore the cost composition. They can toggle features on and off as they please to instantly see the effects on the price.

Step 6: Make Changes Visible

With storywise, your customers can compare versions to see how effort evolves over time. This creates an additional level of transparency and facilitates even better collaboration with your customers.


With storywise, you can streamline, optimize, and bring transparency to the software development process. From dividing large areas into smaller sections to defining and aligning details, as well as cost estimation, storywise offers a variety of tools and features to successfully complete your projects.

Free for small projects
storywise is free for projects up to 100 stories