
9/4/2024: staging-1009

Bug Tickets 🐞

  • The faulty JIRA links to Epics have been fixed.
  • The error message indicating that no further User Stories can be added with the current license has been moved to the upselling dialog.
  • Pagination settings have been repaired, and the number of entries per page can now be correctly set again.
  • The issue where clicking the “Finish” button in the initial onboarding wizard did not end the onboarding process has been resolved, so the popup now correctly disappears.
  • Display issues with steps 21-23 in the initial onboarding wizard have been fixed.
  • The cut-off download button when exporting logs has been fixed, so it is now fully visible even on smaller screens.
  • Excluded linked stories are now displayed in the Docx export.
  • The “Delete & Synchronize” function now correctly takes restrictions into account and only deletes the selected item before synchronizing it.
  • The connections popup has been corrected, so that the dropdown displays correctly in the foreground.
  • The fallback page for tenant switching is now displayed when access is not granted for an Epic and a 401 error occurs.

Features ✨

  • The Docx export has been extended to include the integration of glossary entries.
  • The new login screen has been implemented to highlight the value of registration to customers.